More Action Less Yakking


Every year many of us make resolutions with all intentions of keeping them and somewhere along the line we fail. I personally stopped making New Year’s resolutions a couple of years ago. To me resolutions are kind of like promises. They are easily broken.

At the close of 2011 I did something different, I chose to reflect. Instead of making resolutions I took an introspective approach to what I experienced in 2011. I looked at what I was not happy with and the things that made me smile. I rehashed the mistakes that I made and then played out how I would do better.

When taking a glance back I realized that I actually accomplished a couple of things on my list. One was even on my bucket list. Man it felt great drawing a line through number 2. 2011 was a rough year, but there were also some great times. I learned to take a closer look at myself, relationships, my choices and my decision-making skills.

Well, 2012 is here and 2011 is behind me. I will take my experiences of 2011 and learn from them. However, I refuse to hold on to them. I will leave them right where I left them, in 2011. I look forward to all the fantastic and wonderful things that 2012 has to offer. I am excited about embracing the awesome year that lies ahead of me.

Just like many others, I have goals that I want to accomplish in 2012 and beyond. I have serious issues with procrastination, organization, fear, giving back to others, my finances and other things. I seek to have a closer relationship with God and I yearn to be more mentally, spiritually and physically balanced.

I am making a concerted effort to be a better person not only for 2012, but for the rest of my life. I can honestly say that before the end of 2011 I began making changes. Even though they were small changes, they were changes non-the-less. This year there will not be a lot of talking. As they say actions speak louder than words. There will be more action and less yakking.


2 responses »

  1. I too spent some time reflecting on the events of 2011. I didn’t keep track of goals, but perhaps I should write those down and keep them in view as a constant reminder.

    I noticed you said you spent some time reflecting in December. Do you spend time at other parts of the year to re-evaluate your goals or only at the end of the year?

    Much happiness to you in the new year!

    • Just like many others I reflect at the end of the year. But this year will be different. I am writing my goals and my personal mission down and I will have it out where I can see it everyday. So this year I will not be reflecting only during the New Year, but daily. I will be keeping track of my goals.

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